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Danuta Ulicka
Danuta Ulicka is a full pofessor at the Institute of Polish Literature, The Faculty of Polish Studies, University of Warsaw (Poland). She is the head of the Department of Poetics, Theory of Literature and Methodology of Literary Studies, and the head of the Scientific Committee of the Institute of Polish Literature. She is also a member of the Committee of Literature Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Among her numerous publications there are monographs including Ingardenowska filozofia literatury. Konteksty [Ingarden’s philosophy of literature. Contexts], 1992; Granice literatury i pogranicza literaturoznawstwa. Fenomenologia Romana Ingardena w świetle filozofii lingwistycznej [Limits of literature and borders of literary studies. Roman Ingarden’s phenomenology in the context of linguistic philosophy], 1999; Literaturoznawcze dyskursy możliwe. Studia z dziejów nowoczesnej teorii literatury w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej [Possible discourses in literary studies. Studies in modern literary theory in East and Central Europe], 2007; Słowa i ludzie. 10 szkiców z antropologii filologicznej [Words and people. Ten essays in philological anthropology], 2013. She is also an editor of several volumes, including Tradycje polskiej nauki o literaturze. Warszawskie Koło Polonistów po 70 latach [Traditions of Polish literary studies. Warsaw Circle of Polish Studies after 70 years], 2008, and Strukturalizm w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej [Structuralism in Central and Eastern Europe], 2012. She translated into Polish works of Mikhail Bakhtin, Olga Freudenberg, Vladimir Propp, Sergey Averintsev, Yury Lotman, Boris Uspienski, Andrey Platonov, Victor Yerofeyev and Andrey Sakharov.
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